Visual Studio 如何完全隱藏執行視窗 console
HWND hWnd = GetConsoleWindow();
ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_HIDE);
#pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:\"windows\" /entry:\"mainCRTStartup\"")
本站建議搭配 Hover Zoom+ chrome 擴充套件,可自動放大圖片
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HWND hWnd = GetConsoleWindow();
ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_HIDE);
#pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:\"windows\" /entry:\"mainCRTStartup\"")
#include <windows.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
CStringW getClipboard(){
/* 轉型(char*)(LPCSTR)(CStringA)
轉型參考: */
CStringW strData;
if (OpenClipboard(NULL)) {
HANDLE hClipboardData = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT);
//DWORD dwLength = GlobalSize(hClipboardData);
if (hClipboardData) {
WCHAR *pchData = (WCHAR*)GlobalLock(hClipboardData);
if (pchData) {
strData = pchData;
return strData;
// 寫入文件
void WriteFiles(char* fileName, const CStringW& ClipStrW) {
ofstream file (fileName, ios::binary);
file.exceptions (ifstream::eofbit | ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit);
// CP_UTF8 檔頭
int UTF_8 = 0xBFBBEF;
file.write((char*)&UTF_8, 3);
// 寫入 CP_UTF8
wstring str = ClipStrW;
string result = std::string();
result.resize(WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, str.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0, 0, 0) - 1);
char* ptr = &result[0];
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, str.c_str(), -1, ptr, result.size(), 0, 0);
file << result;
#include <windows.h>
#include <atlstr.h>
// 獲取剪貼簿內容 “salient”
CStringW ClipStrW = getClipboard();
const char* ClipStr = (LPCSTR)(CStringA)ClipStrW;
//cout << ClipStr << endl;
// 剪貼簿內容寫入文件
WriteFiles("Paper.txt", ClipStrW);
裡面開啟驗證信息, 點擊實名驗證。這裡橘色的字請完善實名驗證,點進去就可以開始驗證了,如果沒有請點擊你的帳號名稱或頭像,進入之後選擇身分驗證。
,處理方式就是年分 -1
,比如說我拿到的 2022
到期,先填入一次正確的出現錯誤之後再填入 2021
,就可以過了。看回復有些人有效,也有些人沒效的,自己在多確定有沒有其他地方打錯,然後年分各種數字試試看 -1 -2 -3 等等
2017.10 在大陸實測可以正常支付百貨公司,給店家掃QR碼支付。
%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
struct ImgRaw{
int width;
int height;
vector<unsigned char> raw_img;
void drawLine_p(ImgRaw& img, int y, int x, int y2, int x2, float val) {
// 兩點之間的距離差
float dx = static_cast<float>(x2-x);
float dy = static_cast<float>(y2-y);
// 以Y軸為主
float sita=fastAtan2f(dy, dx);
if (sita>45 and sita<135 or sita>225 and sita<315) {
float slopeY = dx/dy; // 斜率
for (int i = 0; i < abs(dy); i++) {
int iFix = dy>0? i:-i;
int currPos = static_cast<int>(iFix*slopeY+.5f + x);
int distX = currPos;
int distY = y+iFix;
if (distX<0 or distX>=(int)img.width or distY<0 or distY>=(int)img.height) {
img.raw_img[distY*img.width + distX] = static_cast<unsigned char>(val);
// 以X軸為主
else {
float slopeX = dy/dx; // 斜率
for (int i = 0; i < abs(dx); i++) {
int iFix = dx>0? i:-i;
int currPos = static_cast<int>(iFix*slopeX+.5 + y);
int distX = x+iFix;
int distY = currPos;
if (distX<0 or distX>=(int)img.width or distY<0 or distY>=(int)img.height) {
img.raw_img[distY*img.width + distX] = (unsigned char)val;
float sita = fastAtan2f(dy, dx);
void drawLineRGB_s(ImgRaw& img, int y, int x, float line_len, float sg) {
// 檢查
if (line_len <= 0) { return; }
// 算頭尾
int x2 = x + line_len*cos(sg * M_PI/180);
int y2 = y + line_len*sin(sg * M_PI/180);
// 畫線
drawLineRGB_p(img, y, x, y2, x2);
void draw_arrowRGB(ImgRaw& img, int y, int x, float line_len, float sg) {
// 檢查
if (line_len <= 0) { return; }
// 算頭尾
int x2 = x + line_len*cos(sg * M_PI/180);
int y2 = y + line_len*sin(sg * M_PI/180);
// 畫線
drawLineRGB_p(img, y, x, y2, x2);
// 畫頭
drawLineRGB_s(img, y2, x2, 10, sg-150);
drawLineRGB_s(img, y2, x2, 10, sg+150);
ImgRaw img_lineRGB(1280, 720);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
Draw::draw_arrowRGB(img_lineRGB, 200, 200, 100.f*sqrt(2), i*10);
} img_lineRGB.bmp("lineRGB.bmp");
ImgRaw 做的事情很簡單只是開一個 vector(1280*720*3) 然後儲存他的長1280和寬720
既然已知斜率那就用for迴圈去跑x的範圍 0~40 就可以得出y的位置了
static inline float fastAtan2f(float dy, float dx){
// 快速atan運算
static const float atan2_p1 = 0.9997878412794807f*(float)(180/M_PI);
static const float atan2_p3 = -0.3258083974640975f*(float)(180/M_PI);
static const float atan2_p5 = 0.1555786518463281f*(float)(180/M_PI);
static const float atan2_p7 = -0.04432655554792128f*(float)(180/M_PI);
static const float atan2_DBL_EPSILON = 2.2204460492503131e-016;
float ax = std::abs(dx), ay = std::abs(dy);
float a, c, c2;
if (ax >= ay) {
c = ay/(ax + static_cast<float>(atan2_DBL_EPSILON));
c2 = c*c;
a = (((atan2_p7*c2 + atan2_p5)*c2 + atan2_p3)*c2 + atan2_p1)*c;
} else {
c = ax/(ay + static_cast<float>(atan2_DBL_EPSILON));
c2 = c*c;
a = 90.f - (((atan2_p7*c2 + atan2_p5)*c2 + atan2_p3)*c2 + atan2_p1)*c;
if (dx < 0)
a = 180.f - a;
if (dy < 0)
a = 360.f - a;
return a;
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
float fastAtanf_rad(float dy){
static const float atan2_p1 = 0.9997878412794807f;
static const float atan2_p3 = -0.3258083974640975f;
static const float atan2_p5 = 0.1555786518463281f;
static const float atan2_p7 = -0.04432655554792128f;
static const float atan2_DBL_EPSILON = 2.2204460492503131e-016;
float ax = 1.0, ay = std::abs(dy);
float a, c, c2;
if (ax >= ay) {
c = ay/(ax + static_cast<float>(atan2_DBL_EPSILON));
c2 = c*c;
a = (((atan2_p7*c2 + atan2_p5)*c2 + atan2_p3)*c2 + atan2_p1)*c;
} else {
c = ax/(ay + static_cast<float>(atan2_DBL_EPSILON));
c2 = c*c;
a = M_PI*0.5 - (((atan2_p7*c2 + atan2_p5)*c2 + atan2_p3)*c2 + atan2_p1)*c;
if (dy < 0)
a = - a;
return a;